one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.

"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"

Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip

October 10, 2011

polka dots and fur

After a week of amazing sunny and hot weather, London turned cold and when I say cold, I mean cold! Days were a top of 13 degrees. Now, I know that is not cold to someone who has lived in London their whole life, but for an amateur like me that is freezing.

So on Saturday my attention turned to keeping warm and thinking of coats. After having a fabulous morning of breakfast with my man we wondered towards Notting Hill and stumbled across a vintage store. Upon entering I fell in love with a vintage fake fur! After taking quite a bit of time trying it on (yes, my man was getting very annoyed) I finally purchased my coat and felt instantly satisfied.

So, on that Saturday night to keep warm I layered up my fur, teamed it with my polka dots and felt very A/W 2011....
The best 25 quid spent in a while!

I am sure this coat will be making a lot of appearances


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