one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.

"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"

Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip

February 9, 2012


There is just something magical about snow, the way it silences everything and blankets the world in gleaming white.

Living in London has given me a fascination with snow, yes I am one of the crazy few who have never seen snow
 - until tonight!

A friend told me that recently that every snowflake is individual, which makes the whole experience even more special.

Seeing snow makes me feel like I should be singing Dean Martin Christmas tunes and roasting chestnuts...


  1. So beautiful xx


    1. It really is amazing! I think I also appreciate it due to never being exposed to it xx


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