one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.

"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"

Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip

April 13, 2011

It's a Royal Wedding alright!

The air is filled with anticipation, love and all things Royal at the moment. So ok some of the air is negative and some of the air is positive. Many people seem to be happy and very thankful just because it's a public holiday. Either way I don't care, I am actually very excited. I don't remember the Princess Di and Prince Charles wedding (I was too young) and a Royal wedding doesn't happen too often and who can actually say they will be in London to witness this?

So, to make the most it is what I am going to do.

While having dinner one night the idea of having a Royal wedding party came up and to have all things Royal going on around us. This essentially means, Pimms and lemonade, scones and jam, strawberries and cream, teeny tiny sandwiches and a whole lot of union jacks waving around.
My mission now begins. Thoughts run through my mind of what to make and how to make this the best ever Royal wedding party. No other party shall top this. It is my duty as newly appointed kind-of-citizen of the UK to uphold a high standard. Onwards - to create bunting!!

Souvenir anyone?

I was considering wearing this - thoughts?


  1. You should def wear this outfit! haha

  2. So jealous! A royal wedding party can't just be British, it needs to extravagant. You need a champagne tower and you need British modern cuisine a la Heston Blumenthal. I think you need to fly over a certain friend from Australia who enjoys throwing dinner parties to act as a consultant.

  3. A champagne tower - how did I forget that!? Do you think a cider tower will work?
    Hmmm anonymous reveal yourself for your chance to be flown over!

  4. I am anonymous! now fly me over! lol!

  5. I'm waiting for my invite to this party - I'll even paint Cookies toenails red and blue for the occasion.


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