one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.

"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"

Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip

May 7, 2012

Food filled weekend

Do you ever have those weekends that are completely revolved around food? This weekend was it for me. 
Either devouring a bottle of French Champagne (thank you Mr Mercier) while eating duck pancakes or trying Cactus Tacos -yes that's right Cactus tacos. Curious to know what they might taste like? Really they taste just like zucchini (courgette for the Brits) and are quite delicious. The main reason I decided to try them was because I had watched Bear Grylls and he said if you were ever stuck in the Mexican desert you could survive off cacti. So, I thought to try and see how it tasted so I would know if ever I became stranded and alone and hungry while in Mexico it would all be ok.
Now after eating such amazing food for two days I had an extra day (Bank Holiday Monday yea!) to try and find something else a little bit intriguing or exotic? 
So, maybe not exotic but definitely intriguing, a dish grabbed my attention and the local pub only just a few hours ago. It read, Squash (pumpkin for you Aussies) and mushrooms in a almond pancake with red pepper tapenade. I think I made it a trifecta!

Looking back at the weekend had, I have to admit it was pretty satisfying. The bad thing now is the amount of spin classes to take it all off this week...
How were your food adventured this weekend?

 Mr Mercier - Merci!

 That's them! The cactus tacos

Half eaten - the lunch time pancakes

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