Enjoy! and Happy Royal wedding day!
one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.
"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"
Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip
April 28, 2011
To set the mood
The Royal wedding is tomorrow, so to set the mood I had a look at previous Princess's weddings and their gorgeous gowns.
Enjoy! and Happy Royal wedding day!
Enjoy! and Happy Royal wedding day!
The weekend that was
Wow - what a week!
We finally had our first get away and tied it in nicely with Easter.
Roadtrip Cornwall was a success. A success in such that we ate all the food we set out to eat. You see, Cornwall is the home of Cornish pasties, seafood, clotted cream, cream tea and Cornish ice cream, and yes indeed I ate all of the above. Slightly regretted it afterwards but at the time I devoured every moment of it.
Our Cornwall trip was filled with laughs, new sayings (including mocking TOWIE) and seagulls the size of small children.
Unfortunately when we arrived the rain began, ruining any dream of sun baking or swimming, although would you really want to swim in 10 degree water? After driving around various Cornish towns, enjoying market stalls, tracking down the best Cornish pastie (then feeling sick from it) and getting scorned by locals when driving down the wrong side of the road it was time to head home. Oh and low and behold the sun came for a visit. To enjoy the sun and Easter day we decided to head to Padstow for a seafood lunch feast from Rick Stein's fish shop.
It was nice to get away from London for a few days and put on hold our search for work and a home. London can consume you esspecially if you are new and are not settled. It was a very, very nice change.
We finally had our first get away and tied it in nicely with Easter.
Roadtrip Cornwall was a success. A success in such that we ate all the food we set out to eat. You see, Cornwall is the home of Cornish pasties, seafood, clotted cream, cream tea and Cornish ice cream, and yes indeed I ate all of the above. Slightly regretted it afterwards but at the time I devoured every moment of it.
Our Cornwall trip was filled with laughs, new sayings (including mocking TOWIE) and seagulls the size of small children.
Unfortunately when we arrived the rain began, ruining any dream of sun baking or swimming, although would you really want to swim in 10 degree water? After driving around various Cornish towns, enjoying market stalls, tracking down the best Cornish pastie (then feeling sick from it) and getting scorned by locals when driving down the wrong side of the road it was time to head home. Oh and low and behold the sun came for a visit. To enjoy the sun and Easter day we decided to head to Padstow for a seafood lunch feast from Rick Stein's fish shop.
It was nice to get away from London for a few days and put on hold our search for work and a home. London can consume you esspecially if you are new and are not settled. It was a very, very nice change.
The Cornwall crew (minus me)
April 26, 2011
Post Lent Promise
So I know Easter just finished and I hope everyone had an amazing Easter (I know I did) but I also know that I ate way too much and also didn't stick, well didn't create any Lent promises this year. I think it had to do with the big move and not being settled and knowing I wouldn't be able to stick to them.
So after much deliberating (ok one moment on Easter day) I have decided to start my own version called 'post Lent promise'. So for 6 weeks, which started on Easter Monday I cannot eat any sweets. You might be thinking "sweets, that's nothing", but when you think of it sweets means, chocolate (um, we just had Easter remember) cakes, pastries and ice-cream.
So please if you see me day to day, monitor what I am eating!
So after much deliberating (ok one moment on Easter day) I have decided to start my own version called 'post Lent promise'. So for 6 weeks, which started on Easter Monday I cannot eat any sweets. You might be thinking "sweets, that's nothing", but when you think of it sweets means, chocolate (um, we just had Easter remember) cakes, pastries and ice-cream.
So please if you see me day to day, monitor what I am eating!
April 19, 2011
The AM birthday extravaganza
It was AM's (Anne Maree's) birthday yesterday and in amazing birthday style it went on for a few days.
I love birthdays, I know some people don't, but I just do!.
I love the feeling of getting together and gathering all of my friends and celebrating. How often do we get to do that? It is the perfect time to celebrate seeing each other, it is a great way to catch up and it is just a perfect excuse to party. My birthdays over the past few years have been some of the most memorable times, that I will be hard to top.
You see it was the amazing AM's (Anne Maree's) birthday on the weekend ad in true birthday style it went on for a few days.
Our adventure together started on Saturday at Ping Pong Soho.
Ping Pong is dumpling heaven! It is cocktail heaven! Plain and simple - it is just heaven! The amount of choice is extreme but the food is oh so delicious.
Our next birthday event happened the next day for breakfast at Wallace & Co. Hmmm...so background story. Greg Wallace owns Wallace & Co, Greg Wallace is a judge on UK Master Chef, Greg Wallace should look at his own restaurant and judge that before he judges anyone elses on the Master Chef competition. So ok, not to be rude or anything but the whole experience was a bit dismal. Upon entering it was all a bit sad, the waitress gave out bad vibes and then the food arrived and it was all a bit boring. I think, no I know I could make a much better breakie then this! Anyway, it was good to go and check it out and we had fun judging it ourselves.
To finish off the birthday extravaganza we took AM to a play. The play chosen was Flare Path with Sienna Miller in it. I have to say, the play was great (apart from the very teeny seats with no leg room). I think my two favourite characters were Doris and Johnny, they were just very cute and I think the actors played convincing roles. Sienna Miller was ok, she slightly overacted but good to see her none the less.
I have to say the weekend was packed but lots of fun! It's nice to discover London and what it has to offer and to also celebrate the fabulous AM's birthday.
Happy Birthday AM!
I love birthdays, I know some people don't, but I just do!.
I love the feeling of getting together and gathering all of my friends and celebrating. How often do we get to do that? It is the perfect time to celebrate seeing each other, it is a great way to catch up and it is just a perfect excuse to party. My birthdays over the past few years have been some of the most memorable times, that I will be hard to top.
You see it was the amazing AM's (Anne Maree's) birthday on the weekend ad in true birthday style it went on for a few days.
Our adventure together started on Saturday at Ping Pong Soho.
Ping Pong is dumpling heaven! It is cocktail heaven! Plain and simple - it is just heaven! The amount of choice is extreme but the food is oh so delicious.
Our next birthday event happened the next day for breakfast at Wallace & Co. Hmmm...so background story. Greg Wallace owns Wallace & Co, Greg Wallace is a judge on UK Master Chef, Greg Wallace should look at his own restaurant and judge that before he judges anyone elses on the Master Chef competition. So ok, not to be rude or anything but the whole experience was a bit dismal. Upon entering it was all a bit sad, the waitress gave out bad vibes and then the food arrived and it was all a bit boring. I think, no I know I could make a much better breakie then this! Anyway, it was good to go and check it out and we had fun judging it ourselves.
To finish off the birthday extravaganza we took AM to a play. The play chosen was Flare Path with Sienna Miller in it. I have to say, the play was great (apart from the very teeny seats with no leg room). I think my two favourite characters were Doris and Johnny, they were just very cute and I think the actors played convincing roles. Sienna Miller was ok, she slightly overacted but good to see her none the less.
I have to say the weekend was packed but lots of fun! It's nice to discover London and what it has to offer and to also celebrate the fabulous AM's birthday.
Happy Birthday AM!
The above, opens to reveal...
Sticky rice!
Um, copper wine buckets - genius!
April 15, 2011
That's amore!
Can you believe it has been one month since we arrived in London?! I can't, the time has flown and I am guessing will continue to fly. So how did we spend our one month anniversary you ask?
With a run in the morning, a French film in the afternoon and then an Italian feast made my moi with rosso vino in the evening. Now that's amore!
With a run in the morning, a French film in the afternoon and then an Italian feast made my moi with rosso vino in the evening. Now that's amore!
April 14, 2011
Barefoot in the park
I found a bonus about not working today (ok not working at all) I get to watch old movies on TV. I have a secret love for old movies which I think I get from my mum. I love their innocence, I love how they tell an amazing story without all the big hoo-ha, I love the movie posters that are created to accompany them, I love how stunning the actors and actresses are and I love how a lot of them pushed the boundaries before their time (ah-la Breakfast at Tiffany's). I also think it is because I secretly wish I lived in another era.
Today I watched the movie 'Barefoot in the park' with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. All the vivaciousness of Corie (Fonda) and building her new life with her new husband (Redford) and how life can throw amazing and crazy yet wonderful things at you. It's about accepting these and running with them. Ahhhh bliss.
There's a lesson to be learnt in all these movies.
Today I watched the movie 'Barefoot in the park' with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. All the vivaciousness of Corie (Fonda) and building her new life with her new husband (Redford) and how life can throw amazing and crazy yet wonderful things at you. It's about accepting these and running with them. Ahhhh bliss.
There's a lesson to be learnt in all these movies.

April 13, 2011
It's a Royal Wedding alright!
The air is filled with anticipation, love and all things Royal at the moment. So ok some of the air is negative and some of the air is positive. Many people seem to be happy and very thankful just because it's a public holiday. Either way I don't care, I am actually very excited. I don't remember the Princess Di and Prince Charles wedding (I was too young) and a Royal wedding doesn't happen too often and who can actually say they will be in London to witness this?
So, to make the most it is what I am going to do.
While having dinner one night the idea of having a Royal wedding party came up and to have all things Royal going on around us. This essentially means, Pimms and lemonade, scones and jam, strawberries and cream, teeny tiny sandwiches and a whole lot of union jacks waving around.
My mission now begins. Thoughts run through my mind of what to make and how to make this the best ever Royal wedding party. No other party shall top this. It is my duty as newly appointed kind-of-citizen of the UK to uphold a high standard. Onwards - to create bunting!!
So, to make the most it is what I am going to do.
While having dinner one night the idea of having a Royal wedding party came up and to have all things Royal going on around us. This essentially means, Pimms and lemonade, scones and jam, strawberries and cream, teeny tiny sandwiches and a whole lot of union jacks waving around.
My mission now begins. Thoughts run through my mind of what to make and how to make this the best ever Royal wedding party. No other party shall top this. It is my duty as newly appointed kind-of-citizen of the UK to uphold a high standard. Onwards - to create bunting!!

April 11, 2011
Borough Markets - tick!
We have started our journey through London's must see sights and Borough market was the first. Saturday was an extremely beautiful day and to enjoy the weather we thought this was the perfect place to start.
Borough Markets are located near London Bridge and full of tantalising food, thirst quenching drinks and the biggest and most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.
Prepare your self for the deliciousness below...
Borough Markets are located near London Bridge and full of tantalising food, thirst quenching drinks and the biggest and most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.
Prepare your self for the deliciousness below...
April 7, 2011
what one does on a sunny day
Ok - so I've read every magazine cover to cover, watched countless British TV shows, walked miles upon miles so I asked myself what else is there to do? But when the sun comes-a-shining in London you need to make the most of it. I also think that I probably need to stop complaining because when I actually get a job I will be dreaming of these days when I did nothing.
And for a bit of fun, here is London's Forecast for you all. Jealous??
Thu 20degrees
Fri 20degrees
Sat 18degrees
Sun 21degrees
And for a bit of fun, here is London's Forecast for you all. Jealous??
Thu 20degrees
Fri 20degrees
Sat 18degrees
Sun 21degrees
April 2, 2011
we heart Jamie
It was lovely Kirstie's birthday yesterday and to celebrate we went to Jamie's....Jamie's Italian that is! It was a very delicious and interesting night of random conversation (ghosts, people singing Little Mermaid tunes, the rat kings in the sewers of London and cats doing naughty things outside windows to name a tame few) and amazing food. Jamie's food is wholesome, hearty and extremely yum and his restaurant has a comfortable and super friendly vibe. So I recommend - check it out!! And if your lucky you might score a a bit of Jamie to take home...
Insert Main Here
(I forgot to take a picture of the main - I think I was just to hungry and forgot)
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