one trip, a few words and I'm ready to discover what's in store for my life... My name is Karina and I am making the BIG life changing move overseas to the UK. It’s time for me to make the move and discover what could be awaiting me.

"you decide every moment of every day, who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance every second"

Follow me on Twitter @wordofthetrip

February 28, 2011

cry baby, cry baby

I finished work last week and in usual fashion I cried. If you know me - I cry. In my defence I only get emotional when something means a lot to me.

My work farewell started with a visit to a bar I wanted to check out before I leave - Hunky Dory Social Club. This place had a good vibe, great music and the decor had everything I liked, from the crystal decanter used for water and the golden books used as menus to the exposed brick walls and and chandeliers.

Go Francy, go Francy

Thanks for the ride home Francy!

Then the next day a little gathering happened in the office where I had my chance to say goodbye to everyone.

I really enjoyed my time at Bonds and the friends I made I know I will keep forever. It's amazing how in such a short period of time people can change the whole outlook on your life and shake it up for the better.

So for now, I guess I'm unemployed...?

February 17, 2011

it's starting to hit me

When I was driving to work today I noticed these two sweet little girls walking along with two boys, they must have only been 7 or 8. They were whispering and sharing words together while holding onto each other and then would giggle hilariously.

It made me think about what girls that age would be talking about. What did I talk about with my friends when I was 8?

It was the simple pleasure of watching the joy between these two friends that made me happy.

To all my friends, I will miss you...

February 15, 2011

"you are fabulous and you are coming to London"

So I think I have an unhealthy connection with my clothing.
The time has come to organise my wardrobe and it's very sad. Anybody that knows me knows I get attached to my clothes - you name an occasion and I can remember what I wore. Slightly weird or slightly obsessive. Which is it?
So the other weird thing is that I've started talking to my clothes....softly to them I whisper,

"you are fabulous and you are coming to London"

and the mess begins

you have to make mess to become organised

now this is organised!
the London side of the wardrobe

the non-London side of the wardrobe
...slightly uneven

now cull #2 begins.... to be continued

and so the count down begins

I can't believe that this time in one month we would be arriving in London.

Ok, so this makes me happy but it also makes me nervous.

Nervous because of the amount of work I have to do, nervous because of the little amount of time I have with friends, nervous because I wont be able to squeeze my nephews for a few years or nervous because how can I pack my wardrobe into one bag?

I do have to admit though, the happiness will end up counteracting the nerves at some point.

February 2, 2011


A few key phrases can epitomise your whole trip and ultimately inspire you for more.

This is what it was like June 2010. My European trip started in Paris, roamed through Italy, travelled along to London and ended in Hong Kong. Each place was as inspiring as the next, blowing my mind and tantalising me for more.

Simple words such as 'allo', 'allora' or 'prego' became part of my conversation and carried onto my life back home.

Everyone we met touched us in some way, from their friendly smile to their advice. They encouraged me to have more culture, learn a language and to make sure I pass all of that onto my children.

So in saying that, my time has come, to explore what else is out there, to take the exciting step and move overseas.

So thankyou to the waiter in Olio, France, to the beach bar owners at Monterosso, Italy and also to that man who fell asleep on the tube in London - you have paved out my new life for the next few years.

a selection of Euro 2010

beautiful Florence


excited by Florence (as you would be)

and then there was Paris.... ahhh

and the place that will soon be called home

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